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Create good habits

Balance Exercise

Eating right and being active

The services provided have no downtime. Each treatment is non-invasive and effective.

Do your part to maintain your treatment.

Eat right and drink your water.

Stay active, results very.

For the BEST outcome follow the pre and after care guide and see yourself transform into the greatest you! 



Eat a low-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-sugar diet for 24 hours, in order to aid in fat metabolism. Cardio exercise is also encouraged to improve detox. Avoid alcohol and nicotine for 24 hours. Avoid saunas, hot tubs or extreme temperatures for 24 hours.



Localize the treatment area after the treatment, such as using a body brush, using body moisturizer every day, and massage recommended moisturizer freely in the treatment area. The use of dry skin brushing daily to stimulate lymph movement (your therapist will show you how to do this).

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